Visit and discover

The Volcano Cellar


A Journey to the Cellar of Volcanoes

Welcome to Cantine Patria, where the volcanic majesty of Mount Etna and Mount Mojo embraces our winemaking history. Located in Solicchiata, we are the combination of ancient Torrepalino charm and modern winemaking excellence.

Barrel cellar






Barrel cellar

Between history and winemaking:
the legacy of the Aragonese tower

Where the Aragonese Watchtower once stood, today towers our stunning Slavonian Oak Barrel House.

With a capacity of 8500 HL, this iconic place is the custodian of a thousand-year history, transforming tradition into fine winemaking.

Within it, we age our historic reserves, testimony to the nobility of Nerello Mascalese and our commitment to uncompromising quality.

The choice of Slavonian Oak wood is the result of a deep experience in Etna’s red wines, selected for its unique qualities that prove ideal in maturing and enhancing the nuances of Nerello Mascalese, giving each bottle the elegance and complexity that characterize our production.

Below the surface

The underground path among Etna’s millennial lavas

From the east forecourt of the winery, venture on our underground trail, a journey through the millennia-old lavas that nourish Etna’s vines. The red soils, marked by ancestral fire, and caves testify to the power of volcanic eruptions. With skillful lighting, the vaults reveal the layering of lava flows, offering an evocative and enveloping spectacle of history and nature.

The amphitheater

Harmony between nature and culture:
the Pàlici Amphitheater

With the backdrop of Mount Etna and a panoramic view of the vineyards that open toward the Alcantara Valley, the Pàlici amphitheater, built in 2005 in lava stone, becomes the natural stage for Cantine Patria. In addition to being the centerpiece of cultural and artistic events, this space welcomes spectators among tiers adorned with approximately 150 varieties of vines. A perfect combination of Etna’s majesty, winemaking tradition and art, expressed in a unique atmosphere.

Multipurpose hall

The Fondaco:
conference and tasting room

On the historic Roman Consular Road, now known as State Road 120, the ancient Fondaco, once an essential refreshment point along the route that from the Ionian coast, through mountain routes far from the threats of pirates, led to the Nebrodi Mountains and, from there, to the Tyrrhenian Sea, lives again in Cantine Patria with a new look, but still faithful to its original spirit. In the past, the Fondaco offered riders a well-deserved rest and travelers, tired from long journeys, a hot meal and a cozy bed for the night. Today, transformed into a multipurpose space, the Fondaco houses a modernly equipped conference hall for educational meetings and multimedia activities, keeping its historical soul alive.

In the same building, the tasting room takes us back in time, offering traditional dishes that evoke the unique atmosphere and simple, yet rich, food that once refreshed the carters and travelers of a bygone era. This place, steeped in history, not only captures the essence of the past but enriches it with new experiences.
Cantine Patria has therefore transformed the ancient Fondaco into a bridge between past and present, where every event, tasting or educational meeting becomes a plunge into authenticity and tradition, along the road that united different parts of Sicily for centuries.

The panoramic terrace

Etna and Alcantara:
The view from the terrace of Cantine Patria

A unique view between nature and winemaking tradition


Science and innovation:
behind the scenes of our workshop

The technological heart of Cantine Patria, where ISO safety standards meet sophisticated instrumentation for chemical, physical and microbiological analysis. An unwavering commitment to precision and quality.

Wine Shop

Savoring Etna:
the Wine Shop of Cantine Patria

Cantine Patria’s wine shop is an invitation to explore our fine wines.

With a curated selection and a welcoming atmosphere, come discover the soul of our vines in every glass.

Getting lost among the vineyards
of Cantine Patria